"The power to choose my own response to what happens to me in life and to be proactive rather than reactive: knowing the Holy Spirit gives me the power to change whatever happens to me into a love deposit rather than a love withdrawal, through the law of life and death which is on my tongue!"
Luke 19:12-28
What is true power? Is it your job position? Is it your money? Is it how much you own? Is it your authority? Is true power external, or is it internal? Is it from the outside in, or is it from the inside out? What constitutes real power?
According to Jesus, true power comes from inside of you! It is your right to choose your own response to what happens to you in life. It is your first and last right as a human being. It is your freedom to make a choice! When Jesus was confronted with His death, He exercised new self-power. He chose His own response to how He would die. Pilate said to Jesus, "Don't you realize I have the power either to free you or to crucify you?" Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me, if it were not given to you from above." "No one takes my life from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down and take it up again. This power I received from my Father." In the midst of His crucifixion, Jesus demonstrated new self-power. He used His last human right to choose His own response to how He would die. He chose to be proactive rather than reactive. He chose to fulfill God's purpose even in His death!
New self-power is the process of making simple choices to produce powerful changes in your daily life. It is the most powerful new self-love accounts in the Love Bank program. It is based on a spiritual and universal law which says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." When we realize that God has put whether we live or die, succeed or fail, be happy or sad, healthy or unhealthy, etc., into our hands through the power of choice the implications are staggering to the human mind. We make deposits or withdrawals everyday by choice of words, thoughts and deeds.
Jesus described the tremendous power of choice in the following parable: "A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return. So he called ten servants, delivered to them ten pounds, and said to them 'Do business till I come again.' "Notice, each one of these servants were given the power to choose how they would do business and whether or not they would do business at all. Interestingly enough, one of these ten servants did not do business in a way that brought a profit for his master; instead, he put his lord's money away in a handkerchief, and then accused his Lord of being unfair and unjust, refusing to make deposits in the bank of his soul. Jesus' response to this man's choice is found in the parable as follows, "And he said to him, 'Out of your own mouth I will condemn you, you wicked servant.'" In other words, the man's fate came as a result of his won words, fostered by his own fatal choices. Instead of using the power of his tongue to be proactive and speak life, success, happiness, and healing into his life, he was reactive and spoke of death, failure, sadness, and sickness into his life.
New self-power is your choice to change withdrawal events, circumstances, and situations in your life into deposit experiences. You can be proactive with your choices, or reactive. The power to choose is completely up to you. God has given you the ability to invest in the bank of your soul on a daily basis by choosing words, thoughts, and deeds that are based on faith, hope and love which represent love deposits in your new self-power account. Or, you can choose words, thoughts and deeds based on fear, worry and doubt, which constitutes withdrawals.
-Dr. Tony E. Roach. Sr.
Cathi's thoughts on the subject:
I have no excuse, when I don't act like I should I can't say that anyone other than myself is the blame!
I'm trying to teach my son that, "You can't let other people dictate your behavior." Yet, (occasionally) I forget the power that God has given me in controlling my actions because of my emotions.
Last month there were two deaths that occurred that had a HUGE!!! impact on me. I was caught off guard. Now you may say that death is always unexpected (true) but I think it was a lot more than that. One sister had been recently diagnosed with cancer, and wasn't expected to live more than 3 weeks (We'll call her Lil J). The other sister (We'll call her Missy B) died apparently from a heart attack, shortly after visiting with Lil J. Lil J died the day before Missy B's funeral. At least two things have come out of this, which I definitely see as deposits: 1) Wonderful memories of two families that were so intricately intertwined and have found their way back together:)
2) I am on a mission to encourage everyone to STOP PROCRASTINATING!! And get those physicals. Follow through with those appointments.
A friend of mine has a theory (and I think she's got a point) that for every doctor's visit, expect 2-3 other visits to come after. But hey, if 2-3 visits is all it takes to put us on a healthier track, is that really so much to ask?
What choices are you making? You have the POWER!!!!
Cathi, what version is used for the scripture passage listed? Interesting translation.
I believe you have to make the most of each new moment and not get bogged down by the past, doubt or worry. At the end of the day, each moment that I am alive is a blessing because I can still make a difference.
Keri, THANKS for your comment :)
Quoted within the article KJV.
Are you referring to the "opening" passage?
That is from Dr. Roach.
He has written several books on this type of positive/motivational thinking:
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